Variables Doc Designer

Variables Doc Designer

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🎨 Effortlessly manage and document your local variables with a sleek, customizable interface.


  • 🔄 Automatic Syncing: Keep your variable documentation up to date as changes are made, ensuring your documentation stays current.
  • 🛠 Customizable Tables: Adjust borders, colors, padding, icons, and more to match your design style.
  • 📐 Organized Layouts: Insert beautiful, organized tables directly into your frames for a clean and professional look.
  • Seamless Integration: Perfect for designers who need to stay on top of variable documentation updates without sacrificing design quality.

Ideal for cross-functional design teams to document the design system, as well as for individual creators or freelancers who need to hand over documentation.

Variables Doc Designer

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Plus UI Design 2020 - 2024

Designed & Coded by@keno_reloaded